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Jaycee ... A Heroine's Journey
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Title* Jaycee / A Heroine's Journey

Author: Robert J. Kowalski

Number of Pages: 170

Publisher Name - 

Barnes & Noble Press

Second Edition

Publication Date*March 1, 2020


What words can I use to describe a work of fiction filled with compelling characters and unexpected themes? 

If you are a fan of Christian fiction, thought-provoking books, and well-written stories, you will find this to be the book for you!

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Author/Book Information



Robert J. Kowalski

Robert is a Published Author and Minnesota Real Estate Licensed Broker, and his premiere novel, Jaycee: A Heroine’s Journey has garnered worldwide attention and critical acclaim. Jaycee is a modern heroine, and Kowalski touches on sensitive subjects with warmth and humor. He also believes that all life is connected and his sense of spirituality crosses a broad spectrum, and that no one should be excluded. He is an engaging and insightful storyteller, and we look forward to more stories from this talented writer.


‘Marilyn was pregnant and crazy close to her due date and about to give birth to their first child. She has been praying for easy labor and delivery, the kind that makes you wonder what all the fuss was about. When the light flashed in the sky, and Joe smashed the van into the median, her water broke. “Call 911,” Marilyn said between contractions. She wasn’t worried about herself; she knew she could handle anything, but she had been cautioned that firstborn babies often encountered problems. If they had torn their eyes from the sight of Marilyn, her beet-red face like a neon sign advertising her efforts, they would have seen animals peering out of the woods behind the rest stop building. And there the baby was—as they all are—pure, new, and joyously crying out as she gasped for air. Yes, it was a girl, all pink and wrinkly, quickly wrapped in a blanket.


Joe joined his wife and child in the back of the EMS van, as one EMT whispered to the other, “Weird that this is happening on Christmas Eve, right?”’ Growing up in Serenity, Minnesota, Jaycee Woods thought she was a pretty normal person, until a black limousine shows up at her house one day. From there her life changes and she comes to believe that she has a purpose here on Earth, and that she was sent by God to give humanity a second chance. As she learns about her true nature and purpose, the world welcomes her with open arms, and the world is ready.




Audience*Young Adult (Teens)



Primary Category*Family & Relationships - Teen Fiction > Friendship - Teen fiction - General



  • Hard Cover

  • Soft Cover

  • eBook

Print Book ISBN Number*


Jaycee ... A Heroine's Journey
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