Attrition: Fiction / Drama ... The Story
In his dark room one night, Richie trembled in fear, holding back his tears, after all, he was still just a boy. But the ever-bitter Lamont, always took great pleasure in extracting hard fought lessons from his son. His broad back pulled back and the belt swung so loud Richie could hear it. One whip, two whips, three whips. Poor little Richie tried with all his might to hold his screams back, but after the fifth strike of his father’s belt, he burst into tears, making his father angrier.
‘You’ll never amount to nothin’, boy.’ His dad said, and with one final blow with his belt, ‘and you betta not forget how to behave around me. You got that?’ The last whip came, and Richie closed his eyes, wishing he were somewhere and someone else….”
Richie did amount to something, and achieved all he ever wanted in life, a big house, beautiful wife…. But would the demons of his childhood came back to haunt him, and ruin everything he worked for? Attrition is the story of one man’s struggle to regain his family, his life, and his sanity.
Book Details
Paperback: 119 pages
Publisher: Word First Publishing / August 2, 2015
Language: English
Paper Back ... ISBN-13: 978-0-9970374-3-2
eBook .... ISBN-13: 978-0-9970374-3-5
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.7 x 9 inches
Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars See all reviews (1 customer review)
Author's Page
Mr. Dwight B. Daniels is a Houston, Texas native, where he graduated high school at seventeen. At eighteen he enlisted in the U. S. Navy serving eight years. Living in San Felipe, Texas as a child had its challenges, having no utilities in the house allowed Dwight to spend his time outside playing and reading. He found himself reading books more and more, allowing his creative mind to flourish. Now as a published author Mr. Daniels talents are being recognized by both the public and feature film industry. His latest publication "Attrition" is in negotiations to be adapted to a feature film by one of Hollywood's major film and TV production companies BlueStar Studios Inc. Mr. Daniels wishes to thank all of the readers of his book(s) and the comments expressing their enjoyment from reading them.